Monday, July 8, 2013

What is happening at NBF

It may seem like an unusual title but it is the way that I was shown the past, present and future of NBF. There will always be changes happening to any church who wants to grow. It is like our children that keep growing and we have to provide new clothing to meet the changes that their bodies are going through. NBF has entered that phase were we are about to see a burst of growth. 
Churches are made up with people who are considered as fringe members, then we have the adherents, then committed members and the not so committed members. This mix also includes the faithful and not so faithful when it comes to flowing in the moving of the Spirit at NBF. Now the church becomes a place where transients believers visit but their heart is not for NBF and will detach at a moments notice. Where do you think you fit?
When I was in prayer on Sunday night, The Lord showed me two visions that I was able to explore and I was able to acquire some understanding of the meaning of the different object in these visions. Let me start with the building (NBF) which represents the people and not the physical building. The foundation is solid and there is nothing that can damage or alter because this foundation is Jesus and He is the rock. The building that was constructed on this foundation met the needs of the past. The only way that we can find the weakness of the structure is for a shaking to take place. While praying it was thundering outside and it seemed like God added audio to my vision. During the time of the shaking a stain glass window fell and shattered on the ground. Looking at the damaged glass I notices that it came together but it was not as large and did not look the same - it was still a stain glass window. The window was now connected to the building (NBF) but in a different place. It was still part of the church but its position was less and in another place of the building. The weight bearing walls that had cracked were no longer strong enough to support what they was designed to do. The weight bearing walls were not strengthened but were replaced by larger structural material to support and prevent any weakening of the building (NBF). The overall look of the building was expanded upwards from the original structure to a larger structure to accommodate the future purpose (NBF).
The other vision that I had was about a tree that was experiencing shaking. Anything that was not attached to the tree fell to the ground. It was not harvest time. The fruit fell to the ground never to return to the tree. The moment it was disconnected from the tree it was on its own. The future of the fruit that fell was not my concern but what was left was my concern. The shaking was to free the tree from what was continued to not benefit for the overall wellbeing of the tree (NBF). It was sad to see these fruit fall off premature but the outcome was not all a lost as these fruit could produce what only God could do with things out of sync with His plans. 

What I understand from these visions is that NBF has entered into a time of shaking and then building. There are some who are affected by the shaking and will not be with us in the future of NBF. They have not desired to be part of what God is doing and even when they want to come back it will not be possible for them to reattach to NBF. Then there are some who have fallen from the building  (because their connections were not secured to endure the shaking) and they were reintroduced into the church but not in a way that they were before but in a smaller influence and in a different area of the church (NBF). We are about to enter into an expansion for NBF and the shaking needed for the church is needed for the church to move forward. Before any growth takes place we need to see a shaking that makes everything look like it is in a process of death. The attendance and finances are affected in what is looked on as a sign of sickness and not health. 

Where do you fit into this vision? Not everyone is called to NBF and some are called to other fellowships. What is your classification of membership in NBF? To God be the glory.  Will we see you as a connected part of the work of God at NBF?

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